Цитата Были исследования на тему RAL + DRV/r 800мг/1 раз в день.
При чём тут исследования? Хотя, да, были и исследования:
“In the NEAT/ANRS 143 study, 805 treatment-naive participants were randomized to receive twice-daily
RAL or once-daily TDF/FTC, each with DRV/r (800 mg/100 mg once daily). At week 96, DRV/r plus
RAL was noninferior to DRV/r plus TDF/FTC based on the primary endpoint of proportion of patients
with virologic or clinical failure. Among those with baseline CD4 counts 200 cells/mm3, however, there
were more virologic failures in the two-drug arm; a trend towards more failure was also observed among
those with pretreatment HIV RNA ≥100,000 copies/mL.38 High rates of virologic failure in patients with
HIV RNA 100,000 copies/mL were also seen in two smaller studies of DRV/r plus RAL...”
в DHHS упоминается...
Выше же скрин я выкладывал из EACS 10. В DHHS тоже самое
RAL 400 мг 2 р/сут + DRV/c или
Но это всё не касаемо беременяшек.
Вопрос в другом - стоит ли им применять DRV/r 800/100 1 раз в сутки?
Россия, Иркутск
30-01-2020 05:27